Friday, August 24, 2012

"Rape Is Rape" Plus Five Tips to Heal From Rape

    First, all rape is reprehensible.  No rape is welcomed or wanted; this is why it's called rape.  Whether a person is beaten up, under duress with knife, gun or fists, being forced to have any kind of seeming sex act is rape.  And, yes, surprise, a woman CAN get pregnant from this heinous act.

     Despite what Rep Todd Aiken (R-MO) and his followers might say, a woman's body does not vet a sperm to see if the woman desired that sperm or chose to reject it.  If that were the case, there would be no pregnancies from rape.  As we know, instead, there are many. 

       Pleases be aware that many politicians are lying through their teeth and doing whatever else they feel they have to in order to obfuscate their true intentions and the issues in order to con people -- you!!! -- into voting for them.  There is a kind of dis-ease of the mind in some people of the Republican Party, yes, including the Tea Baggers, in their so self-righteous approach to life.  It also seems to me that irrespective of religion, all uber-Conservative religionists feel they are always right, and everyone else is clearly wrong, and that the world has to follow their narrow definition of anything.  To refrain from doing so, to them, warrants severe punishment and penalties, both from our beloved Creator and, of course, them. 

     Watch out for this!!!!  These are young souls!  Enlightened souls and beings behave very differently, giving people love and the possibility of evolution.

     Moms, women, girls, awful as it is, we have to acknowledge that there are too many people with political and social agendas calculated to bring women back over 100 years.  A quick word on abortion before I give Five Tips to Heal From Rape.   Before abortion was legalized in the U.S., women still aborted.  Rather than doing it safely, women went into the proverbial back alley and/or stuck hangers into their vaginas.  Is there any sane person who wants this for themselves, her sisters, friends, relatives, any woman?  Clearly, no.  This would be tantamount to the illegal acid-throwing that had been rampant in Pakistan.


1.  Acknowlege that you were raped.  Acknowledge this to yourself, your beloveds, your friends, your spiritual counselor, your therapist.

2.  Get support, counseling and help.  See an energy healer, talk and scream it out.  Pray and ask for spiritual support.  Do The Recapitulation, Tapping, other self-healing techniques.  (See and
 Join a support group and get professional help.

3.  Love Yourself Thoroughly.  After a woman (or man or child) has been raped, often that person wants to hide.  Yes, take a relative moment for yourself, and reach out.  Be sure throughout all this, love yourself completely.  Feelings of being dirty, unclean, violated, less-than, foolish, blame, shame, guilt, and other less-than-loving emotions are likely to cascade through the surviver-thriver.  Experience them for a moment, so you know what it is, then instantly release them.  Let them go to Light.  Whoosh!!!!!!!!  Fill yourself from Crown to Root with Golden White Sparkling Energy and let this bless and clean you thoroughtly. 

4.  Talk About Your Experience.  Share what happened.  Get it out of your system.  Write about it.  Empty yourself of it.  In writing about it, much wisdom will come to you.  Help others who were in similar situations.  If you choose, become an activist.  Take internal and external actions.  Activate your Survival-Thrival Gene.  Know how strong you are.  Yes, take actions to apprehending the perpetrator.  Be pro-active in your ongoing journey to deeper wholeness, which can be construed as holiness.

5.  Give Thanks for Your Wellness.  An attitude of gratitude that you survived, thrived, and are here to continue your life is extremely helpful.  At whatever step in this journey you find yourself, give thanks that you are here.  You live!!! Send love and gratitude to the Creator, to all parts of your body, including your physical self, as well as your emotional, mental and spiritual selves.  Appreciate a blade of grass, the rising sun, the crescent moon, everything.  Ask your inner being what you learned from this experience.  Release fear, and anything less than internal love, as you strengthen yourself in a balanced centered manner.  You will discover that you have learned much about yourself and the world.  Put this to good use.

      Ladies, yes, I was raped many years ago with a knife to my throat, and I have also in the past sometimes been in a sexual situation that I preferred to be out of.  Thankfully, I learned from all of it. 

      Rape is rape!!!!!!!!!!!  No one should have to endure it.  We have to have abortion, whether anyone personally likes it or not.  As half of American pregnancies are unintended, many of them aborted, clearly we have much work to do to have all of us maintain our rights and be responsible with our actions.

     Refrain from ever allowing to take any of this away from you. 

     Love Yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mama Heart

       MONDAYS, 8 pm EDT
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Friday, August 17, 2012

Are Male (Human) Contraceptives on the Horizon?

     What a boon to everyone to have this so-very-important aspect of human sexuality and intimacy be truly shared by both women and men!  Especially when a man and a woman are in a close trusting relationship, how easy to have the man take the contraceptive rather than the woman, especially if there are no side effects!

     According to the research mentioned in this article, and, yes, mice are noticeably reticent about verbally sharing their thoughts, this drug prevents sperm production yet allows full male libido and performance!  How fabulous!

      Please let me know your thoughts and feelings about this.  Comment here or on my FB page: or

      The more buzz we create, likely the more research gets done!  What's your take on this?

       Thank you and many blessings to you!!!


Mama Heart

Audrye    1 888 75 PEACE   1 888 757 3223

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b. Nook

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

To Spank or Not to Spank? Just say NO to Spanking!

      What do you think of parents slapping their kids? Do you believe in corporeal punishment?  Do you hit your child?

      It is inappropriate to slap, spank or hit a child.  Speak to your child, explain what's needed and wanted for the child.  Stop the objectionable behavior, use positive reinforcement, and give at least 10 yes's to each one no.  Have the child know she or he is still a good person.  Spare the rod, without spoiling the child.

     When a parent, whether mom or dad, spanks her/his child, the parent teaches the child that hitting, bullying, violence is the way to do things.  The child learns to be manipulative and to have lower self-esteem, and feels demeaned, less-than.  Why is this?  The child was disrespected by the parent who is supposed to love the child.  This also teaches great confusion about what love is and what love does.

    The child may or may not stop the objectionable behavior, not because the child learned anything but because the child prefers that the slapping or nasty verbal language and tone coming from the parent be stopped.  So, if the child has to agree with the parent, the child often will do so.  Did this mean the child learned the lesson the parent meant to teach?  No.

      Have I ever hit a child? Yes. Also, afterward, I felt I was the one who made the mistake. Always.  It was a bigger lesson for me than for the child, the few times in my life that I did it, spurring me to grow spiritually.  I also apologized to the child, and explained what needed to be done.

      Where are you with this?  Where are you with "spare the rod and spoil the child"? For me, it's ridiculous. Once at a lovely event, another mom and I had a difference of opinion about this, she feeling that because the Bible ostensibly taught this, she was totally justified to smack her daughter when her daughter misbehaved.  In fact, she felt I was disparaging of her religious beliefs because I told her the Bible was written in a patriarchical age by men who often had a dominating controlling mentality.  She was in a huff.  I maintain there are better ways.

      Sparing the rod and finding more enlightened ways to teach one's child by and large brings forth a healthier child.  Yes, absolutely, discipline your child.  Be appropriately firm yet loving.  Refrain from slapping, hitting, whacking, smacking.  This means you are out of control, especially if the parent does this when the parent is angry. This is one of the reasons we still have war.

     See more on Kindle and Nook with THE MOTHER'S MANUAL, A SPIRITUAL AND PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CHILD REARING AND MOTHERHOOD.. Just put the name in.  The entire book is on Kindle at

     Check out article @

     Put your comment here....

    Lots of Love,


Friday, August 3, 2012

Your Child Commits a Crime - What Now?

Your Child Commits a Crime - What Now?

     How would any mom feel if her child was the bullier, the rapist, the murderer, the thief, the racist?  An important aspect of mothering is to be in touch with one's child from early on.  Be in tune with who your child is rather than who you would like her or him to be.  Teach by living example plus be words the qualities of authenticity, love, integrity, contribution, creativity, intelligence, discernment, and more. 

     This means Mom is on a lifelong learning curve.  This benefits both her and her family.  Anyone who feels learning stops at any point is the person who has stopped at that point.  Then what happens?  That person actually can begin to de-volve.  No-thing stays the same in this third-dimension world.  Everything is in constant flux, whether seemintly gently or chaotically.  Plus, this dimension abhors a vacuum.  Sooo, if an apparent vacuum exists, it's instantaneous, as something will rush in to fill it.  We have to be responsible -- with love, balance and presence -- for what rushes into our momentary vacuums.

    This massive shooting in Colorado, and the subsequent behavior of the perpetrator has to be giving his mom nightmares.  What mom would refrain from asking: What did I do that I could have done differently?  What did I manage to refrain from seeing or knowing about my child?  What is going on in my child?  Without a mom being consumed with guilt -- which furthers usually nothing -- she does have to be responsible for herself and her knowledge of her child.  At the same time, once a child is an adult, which astrologically occurs at a person's first Saturn Return about the age of 28 1/2 to 20, that person has to take up the mantle of his/her own personhood.

     This shooter was 24.  Many may call this an adult, as 21 is when a person gets all their rights and responsibilities.  Come, now!  How many people are truly self-responsible by 21, never mind 18?  The 20s are a time of exploration of what being an adult entails.  Most people, unfortunately, are untaught about how to be personally responsible for their emotions, thoughts, actions, behavior.

     This is NOT a blame of the mom or dad, by the way.  This is an exploration of what a mom may go through when her child commits a horrific, especially unprovoked, crime.

    We all have to be cognizant of one another's mental states.  We have to develop our internal senses to such a degree of sensitivity that we can more easily sense when someone is "off."  This is quite different from someone simply being other than who we are, as we all are unique.  When someone has an off-balance internal mechanism, they emit a different kind of energy.  Even psychics can be fooled, so this is an area on which our species has to focus.

     For example, some of the politicians and social movements in this country and the world are truly repressive, yet under the guise of either or religious, stable, or the way-things-are.  No, they are truly out to hurt people.  People, again, we all have to wake up!  Also, sometimes Mom is the one who is asleep, teaching unfortunate values or devalues to her child.  Sometimes it's the child who teaches the mother.  We all have to be aware of what's high level and what's low.

      Know that this is a time of transformation.  Look at the clues in your own life to see where the Universe, your own Inner Compass, is urging you to grow, go, release, let go, move on, complete, open to new, have breakthroughts.  Also, yes, sometimes breakdowns are the doorway to breakthroughs.

     Blessings to ALL in this time of Change!!!!!

    On another note, my book, THE MOTHER'S MANUAL, A SPIRITUAL AND PRACTICAL GUIDE TO CHILD REARING, is now digital on Kindle and Nook.  You can get both the entire big book or any of the 20 smaller books culled from the big mama book.



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