Friday, August 24, 2012

"Rape Is Rape" Plus Five Tips to Heal From Rape

    First, all rape is reprehensible.  No rape is welcomed or wanted; this is why it's called rape.  Whether a person is beaten up, under duress with knife, gun or fists, being forced to have any kind of seeming sex act is rape.  And, yes, surprise, a woman CAN get pregnant from this heinous act.

     Despite what Rep Todd Aiken (R-MO) and his followers might say, a woman's body does not vet a sperm to see if the woman desired that sperm or chose to reject it.  If that were the case, there would be no pregnancies from rape.  As we know, instead, there are many. 

       Pleases be aware that many politicians are lying through their teeth and doing whatever else they feel they have to in order to obfuscate their true intentions and the issues in order to con people -- you!!! -- into voting for them.  There is a kind of dis-ease of the mind in some people of the Republican Party, yes, including the Tea Baggers, in their so self-righteous approach to life.  It also seems to me that irrespective of religion, all uber-Conservative religionists feel they are always right, and everyone else is clearly wrong, and that the world has to follow their narrow definition of anything.  To refrain from doing so, to them, warrants severe punishment and penalties, both from our beloved Creator and, of course, them. 

     Watch out for this!!!!  These are young souls!  Enlightened souls and beings behave very differently, giving people love and the possibility of evolution.

     Moms, women, girls, awful as it is, we have to acknowledge that there are too many people with political and social agendas calculated to bring women back over 100 years.  A quick word on abortion before I give Five Tips to Heal From Rape.   Before abortion was legalized in the U.S., women still aborted.  Rather than doing it safely, women went into the proverbial back alley and/or stuck hangers into their vaginas.  Is there any sane person who wants this for themselves, her sisters, friends, relatives, any woman?  Clearly, no.  This would be tantamount to the illegal acid-throwing that had been rampant in Pakistan.


1.  Acknowlege that you were raped.  Acknowledge this to yourself, your beloveds, your friends, your spiritual counselor, your therapist.

2.  Get support, counseling and help.  See an energy healer, talk and scream it out.  Pray and ask for spiritual support.  Do The Recapitulation, Tapping, other self-healing techniques.  (See and
 Join a support group and get professional help.

3.  Love Yourself Thoroughly.  After a woman (or man or child) has been raped, often that person wants to hide.  Yes, take a relative moment for yourself, and reach out.  Be sure throughout all this, love yourself completely.  Feelings of being dirty, unclean, violated, less-than, foolish, blame, shame, guilt, and other less-than-loving emotions are likely to cascade through the surviver-thriver.  Experience them for a moment, so you know what it is, then instantly release them.  Let them go to Light.  Whoosh!!!!!!!!  Fill yourself from Crown to Root with Golden White Sparkling Energy and let this bless and clean you thoroughtly. 

4.  Talk About Your Experience.  Share what happened.  Get it out of your system.  Write about it.  Empty yourself of it.  In writing about it, much wisdom will come to you.  Help others who were in similar situations.  If you choose, become an activist.  Take internal and external actions.  Activate your Survival-Thrival Gene.  Know how strong you are.  Yes, take actions to apprehending the perpetrator.  Be pro-active in your ongoing journey to deeper wholeness, which can be construed as holiness.

5.  Give Thanks for Your Wellness.  An attitude of gratitude that you survived, thrived, and are here to continue your life is extremely helpful.  At whatever step in this journey you find yourself, give thanks that you are here.  You live!!! Send love and gratitude to the Creator, to all parts of your body, including your physical self, as well as your emotional, mental and spiritual selves.  Appreciate a blade of grass, the rising sun, the crescent moon, everything.  Ask your inner being what you learned from this experience.  Release fear, and anything less than internal love, as you strengthen yourself in a balanced centered manner.  You will discover that you have learned much about yourself and the world.  Put this to good use.

      Ladies, yes, I was raped many years ago with a knife to my throat, and I have also in the past sometimes been in a sexual situation that I preferred to be out of.  Thankfully, I learned from all of it. 

      Rape is rape!!!!!!!!!!!  No one should have to endure it.  We have to have abortion, whether anyone personally likes it or not.  As half of American pregnancies are unintended, many of them aborted, clearly we have much work to do to have all of us maintain our rights and be responsible with our actions.

     Refrain from ever allowing to take any of this away from you. 

     Love Yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mama Heart

       MONDAYS, 8 pm EDT
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