Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Mother's Heart: Make Time for Yourself

Hi, Mamas! How many of you make time for yourself? Yes, in the midst of taking care of your child or children, your mate (if you have one), your work (whether in or out of the home, whether for pay, love or barter), you have to create time for yourself. This includes relaxation, meditation, exercise, education, spirituality, play.

How? You may ask. Create schedules. Get up earlier that whatever you do now, and meditate and pray in bed before you get up and start your day. Yes, you can go to the bathroom first, obviously, if nature calls. Set up an Affirmation for the day, and have this be your Mantra, your Prayer and Intention. Allow this Affirmation to be your reality. Some excellent ones include: "I love and accept myself." "I am beautiful inside and out." "I am a Money Magnet." "I am a Sparkle of Divinity."

I find myself making peace with my body practically every morning. I exercise, eat well, and take care of myself, yet certain parts of my body have chosen for reasons of their own to look older than other areas. If I were to castigate myself and these areas -- as I had done earlier in my life -- I would be creating an internal conflict, a war with myself, emanating a lesss-than-peaceful vibration within my own persona and in the world. Sooooo, as what is, is, even if for a moment, it is preferable to make peace with one's being, and from that vantage point, make whatever shifts one can. In any case, beauty is also a matter of perspective. What one person may harp on, could be meaningless to another. In essence, I am super healthy -- for which I am very grateful and appreciative -- and, actually, an attractive person. Being "perfect" can be an illusion, so all of us, get over it, and love yourself.

Even if once a month, take yourself OUT!!! Dance, listen to music, look at the river, climb that mountain (or hill), walk in that garden, wear that lovely dress. Remember that you are a woman, in addition to being a mom. Treat yourself as though you are a Goddess, which you, in essence, are.

Take a course, read a book, take a webinar, listen to a teleseminar, gain wisdom and knowledge. This is an ongoing life experience. Constantly evolve and grow in whatever areas interest you. Expand your horizons. Go beyond what you "think" you are. The "thinking" self is limited. You are limitless.

Do yoga, tai-chi, chi gong, stretching, walking. Have a reasonable bed time for your child or children, and stick to it. Read to your young child, and have your older child read something inspiring before that child goes to sleep. Play lovely relaxing music, whatever that may be for you and your family.

For now, this can get you started. Many Blessings!!!

With Love,

Mama Heart

www.TheMothersManual.com (soon!)

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