Who Speaks forGod/dess? Separation of Church and State Plus Individual Freedom
When I read about an esteemed teacher, Emily Herx, being fired from her post from an Indiana Cartholic school and being called a "grave immoral sinner" because she in vitro fertilization or IVF in order to get pregnant -- @http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/25/catholic-school-ivf_n_1453524.html?1335386848&icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl1%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D155337 -- I felt shocked. True, in this day and age, with so many "religious" people presuming to speak for the Creator of All, as though this person actually knows the MIND of I AM THAT I AM, perhaps I could have been more accepting of this piece of news. No, I was shocked and dismayed.
Had the Ms. Herx been a religious teacher at the school, expounding doctrine to the students, maybe, then, yes. Had she even have been Catholic, and told she must teach the staunch tenets of this religion to the students, perhaps, maybe, yes. However, she was neither Catholic, nor a teacher of religion, nor apprised by the school of the doctrine or tenets that were to be followed, and, yes, she was honest, authentic and forthright with the people at the school, and she is denounced by the school, maligned, and fired!!!! The school officials, truly, are the people who are acting in an immoral manner.
Ms. Herx is to be applauded. Good for her to take the steps she needed to in order to become a mom. I wonder how many of the school officials are truly loving, kind, open-hearted people exemplifying what any spiritual person knows is the core of just about any and all spiritual and religious paths. This can be best explained as:
Love the Creator with all your heart, all your soul and all your might (by whatever name you call the ALL IN ALL from which we all come and are part)
Love your neighbor as yourself. (This, of course, presumes that a person loves her or him self, which, sadly, is too often lacking in this world, and is a journey in and of itself).
What are your thoughts here?
Where is the separation of church/religion and state?
Should Catholic schools hire only religious Catholics, grill them in the absolute tenets of Catholic doctrine, and watch over the teachers to be sure these teachers are both teaching, speaking and living every single tenet?
What is moral and what is judgment?
How do you know when you are being led by Divine Guidance and when by egoistic wants?
You can reach me here at this blog that will be incorporated in the soon-to-be-released WordPress site, www.TheMothersManual.com.
May you be blessed. May your family be blessed. May we all be blessed. May we all grow in consciousness, awareness, connection to the Infinite, and within ourselves.
Many Blessings!!!!!!!!!!
Mama Heart
www.BlogTalkRadio.com/GoddessHeartNetwork MIRACLE MANIFESTING MONDAYS 8 pm EDT
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