Every mom relishes convenience, money-savers, health and wellness for herself and her family. How can you have this in your life?
1. Create Mini Mom Co-ops in your area to create a bigger buying group than any of you would be separately. You can meet weekly or monthly with each member having specific responsibilities to be determined at each meeting or assigned ongoingly, such as who finds where to get the best-priced-highest-quality food, child accessories/accoutrements, nutritional products, latest news/buzz on what's happening in the world of mothers and babies, toddlers, children, teens, and/or whatever is important to you, including childcare services, sleepover arrangements and what-have-you.
If you have similar food lifestyles, each member can prepare food for the group for a day. For example, I am pretty much a raw vegan, especially when I'm home, and I love going to potlucks with this kind of food, where there are both many people living this lifestyle as well as newbies. If you have, say, over seven members, each person can prepare food for a day for the other people, and you all chip in the required money, and no one has to prepare food every day. The benefits? You get great fresh food, save on money, time and energy, and yummy food. Get together on recipes and share.
2. Find organic food producers who deliver food to your door. There are many organic food co-ops that deliver to a central location. Members of co-ops of this nature often devote a specific amount of time to the co-op, pay a designated fee, and receive their food at this central location.
If you have created your Mini Mom Co-op, one member may pick up food from the central location and deliver it to the homes of the other members. This person can be changed each month, as desired. See what's happening in your area in terms of actual food delivery, including what's online. Certain areas have food co-ops that deliver to member's homes.
For vitamins, minerals, nutritional supplements and other products, I recommend such online companies as http://www.vitacost.com/ and http://www.nutiva.com/ both because of their pricing, quality and timeliness.
3. For health and wellness, use natural formulations rather than chemicalized products, despite how much advertising and marketing most mainstream companies pepper the media with. Many doctors are out of touch with the natural "green" approach to life as this was omitted from their medical curriculum. For example, instead of aspirin, use white willow bark tincture from the health food store. Consult a naturopath, herbalist and/or healer well versed in these products so you know what to use.
If you choose to be healthy and have healthy children, refuse to use white flour, white sugar and the myriads of products that are laced with these ingredients, including pasta, bread, cookies, cakes, candy. If you do love cooked and baked food, use products made with organic whole-grain amaranth, quinoa, rye, and, if your are un-allergic, wheat. The "normal" American food intake has led to obesity, diabetes, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, liver problems, brain issues, and, possibly, autism, as a way of life for many. By eating properly and, yes, exercising, much of this can be prevented and healed.
My take on autism and a host of other dysfunctional aspects of life is that some of it is caused by environmental factors, including the high usage of cell phones (which I also use), laptops (on which I am writing this blog), excessive TV watching (I am working on this, and I am on TV at www.YouTube.com/AudryeNow), as these products emit high levels of electromagnetic frequencies that can be harmful to our cells, organs, emotions, brains, despite what some faulty research may say. We can bombard ourselves in our modern lifestyles with less-than-beneficial influences, little of which is abating, and, instead, is proliferating.
We need new approaches to technology. Inventors, take note!!! With Uranus and Jupiter now traversing Aries, we have the opportunity for technological innovations with a new attitude, including being beneficial for people and planet. Yes, this may necessitate a changeover in our habits, and, yes, we and our families are worth it. We can grow food indoors organically, purify water in new ways, create oxygenated air.
4. Be outdoors in CLEAN air, drink CLEAN water, eat CLEAN food without contamination of toxic fertilizers, genetically mutilated seeds, radiated products (which kill the food's nutrition and bring the possible precursor to cancer to the person ingesting the faux food), and lots of the newer technological stuff being done to almost every product used by most people.
5. Use natural organic fabrics as much as possible. Use your Mini Mom Co-op to get good deals. Let's make ourselves a force to be reckoned with.
6. Save money every week, whatever your lifestyle and circumstance. Distinguish between needs and wants. Fulfill needs and deal with wants as possible, knowing you are living well in the now as well as opening up to "future" nows also. Whether you put away a dime or thousands, save something for future use, pleasure, emergencies, donation, giveaways. After a while, you will grow your Financial Freedom Fund.
7. Pray, meditate, give gratitude, be silent and still, and open to the wisdom and guidance of your Inner Voice. We are all guided by Source. Become aware of how you receive Guidance, including via intuition, imagination, insight, inspiration, dreams, aha moments, books, art, music, nature, love. Follow up on your Guidance! Put this into action in your life. Have at least two people in your life with whom you can discuss this aspect of your being. Participate with us here, or email me at Audrye@TheMothersManual.com, and I will set up an online meetup group that facilitates this.
Okay, Moms, these are a few ideas. Be in touch with me and this blog for more. To listen to more info, tune into "The Mother's Manual Show" at 10 am Eastern Time U.S. on www.HolisticGlobeRadio.com, or go to that site's Archives and listen at your convenience.
Lots of love and blessings to you and to us all!!!!
Mama Heart
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