Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti, Mother Earth, Rising Consciousness

There are folks whose job is to pay attention, heed and monitor Earth tremors, both in the U.S. and elsewhere. They look at potential volcanic eruptions, land quakes, water overflow, air currents, more. I am quite sure there are people in various governments and the private sector who have deep knowledge of Earth Changes. I find myself wondering what happened regarding the earthquake in Haiti and any of these persons' observations.

Was no one watching whose work it is to do so? Was there a breakdown in communications? A wonderful astrologer named Ronnie Dreyer had sent to some of her subscribers information describing the possibility of earthquakes because of the powerful eclipses we had Dec 31, 2009 in Cancer and today Jan 15, 2010 in Capricorn, accompanied with Mars Retrograde, Mercury about to leave Retrograde -- does this say something about lack of communication? -- and Saturn entering Retrograde. She didn't say where she saw it occurring. Nonetheless, what happened? Was someone informed, who then kept the data quiet? Was there concern for panic? Was no one informed? Is someone sleeping? Is this all of us to some extent?

There is also the human factor. An overpopulated area, with badly constructed over-crowded edifices without regard for what's appropriate for the actual land, poverty, lack of education and/or illiteracy, crashed opportunities, and people already feeling overwhelmed are a strong recipe for disaster. Anyone who reads this Blog knows I am an avid proponent and supporter of conscious conception, smaller families, people making babies with awareness and preparation. Almost any time I've seen an individual, family, culture, country, world area that ignores this and, for whatever reasons, conceives children haphazardly, this is a clear indication there is going to be major challenges. This includes aborting babies of a particular sex; making overly large families because that was the way it was done in ages past for everyone everywhere at one time; ignorance and lack of contraceptives; lack of self-esteem or individual power for women -- any and all of this is cause for the people involved and everyone else to sit up and take notice. The pot is boiling over and there is going to be a mess!

I am writing this as a woman and a mom, an Earth person, feeling sorrow, compassion, empathy, and, yes, annoyance, which I acknowledge and release, to return to my inner center. I, like everyone, am truly a Soul, doing an Earth journey, connected to everything that exists beyond time and space. None of us can afford to forget this is who we are. None of us can afford to be ignorant, lazy, arrogant, blind, deaf, closed. The time has passed for this. We must wake up! We are being catalyzed to awaken! The very Earth is tweaking us! We are all responsible for our decisions and choices. Sitting on the fence is a choice. Being unaware is a choice. Taking steps is a choice.

With another wonderful medium-channel, Lisa LaMendola, I saw this Earth crack that happened in Haiti as a harbinger of potential things to come. I'm refraining from going into detail on what was shown to me. Suffice it to say that we humans are being put on notice. The writing is on the wall. None of this information is to frighten. It is to awaken, including both compassion, understanding, forgiveness, wisdom, ability, LOVE. As a species, we are literally at a nexus when-when we can and are being catalyzed to consciously evolve ourselves. We are all part of the multi-dimensional matrix. Now is the time.

Give of yourself to help the people of Haiti. In the U.S., we can even do it via our cell phones by texting 90999, then texting "Haiti" and a $10 donation goes to the Red Cross, and the money is added to the cell statement. You'll get a text verifying that you choose to do this; respond "yes," and then you'll get a thank-you text. You can do this as often as you choose. Pray, meditation, send stuff, do what you can. Be there for someone. Ask that everyone find a way to benefit from this. Even in the midst of a tragedy there is learning and evolution. Let us embrace this catastrophe and make it also a means for spiritual, mental, emotional and physical evolution, even in the midst of tears.

Even as I write this, I hear from Anderson Cooper via the Oprah Winfrey show, there are more after-shocks. Open your heart and help! This is a concentrated area of desperation and overwhelm with bodies being dumped into trucks. As Neicy Nash would say, foolishness and mayhem. We must do better. HELP HAITIANS NOW!!!! People are digging themselves and one another out. The core and spirit of the Haitians is extraordinary. Do something positive!!!!

I'm bringing out books, starting with the FREE Ebook, The Mother's Manual Sampler (c). Geet yours at Around Mother's Day, we'll be launching the masterpiece, The Mother's Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood (c), at the same website. You can be a mom, or not. You can be a woman or man. Get the books, do the exercises, evolve yourself!!! Now is the time.

Bless you in every way, and may your journey be blessed.


Mama Heart,

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