Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Mother's Heart: Birthing Babies and Life

A new year!!! This year, 2009, is an “11,” the Master Visionary. What are your dreams, soul promptings, desires for your life, your family, the world? This is definitely the year to birth these into actuality. Today is sacred. Open to Divine Love everywhere.

How can we birth the Divine and Sacred in our lives? One way is to start with our breath and breathing with intention, attention, love and focus. A simple and highly effective Breathing Attunement is the Four-Part Breath. Imagine the lungs as energy balloons, able to stretch easily. Gently and fully inhale through your nose and direct the breath to your diaphragm, chest, throat and head. Hold gently, then slowly release the breath from your nose, first from the head, throat, chest and diaphragm. Hold without inhaling for a moment. Then inhale and do the same process again for two or more inhalations and exhalations.

Birthing of anything is an exciting, even exotic, experience, always shifting whatever was before. Birthing a baby is a momentous experience, however it occurs. For me, birthing my daughter was via emergency C-section six weeks before the official due date because I was experiencing placenta abruptia, meaning the placenta was leaving my body. My daughter was out in less than an hour. My mom, in long labor with me, told me I was born with forceps.

My daughter birthed her daughter in a totally natural manner, with me as part of her birthing team. For this, I am ever grateful. I was physically unconscious, while my consciousness was undergoing a near-death experience. That’s another blog. You can read all about it in The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, slated for launch as an ebook in February at .

For the newborn, birth can be defined as leaving the realm of higher dimensions and entering the third-dimensional physical realm. The infant is clothed both in vernix, actually good for the baby and can be massaged into the baby’s skin, as well an energy of beauty. This is important information, as the vernix is good for the baby's skin and may enhance the baby's immune system.

At this time, the Earth itself is birthing into a higher energy. The Earth is positioning herself to be in the Galactic Center by Dec 21, 2012, which is a time of massive potential frequency shift. At this time, the Shuman Resonance of the planet is lifting. It is vital that we people raise our frequencies so we are operating on a spectrum that includes the fourth and fifth dimensions. If you do the practices discussed in this Blog, you support this shift within yourself

Spirituality and life can be lived powerfully, passionately and peacefully – with lace around the edges, if you choose -- rather than as being folded sedately away in a closet. Everyone was birthed in one way or another. In the days to come, and already upon us, there may be high-tech birthing, such as was described in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. I recommend birthing your baby in as natural way as possible, including a water birth, with good preparation plus your team. Having a doula available is a great way to go, as are nurse midwives, who have a special vibration in this life-shifting time. When needed, obstetricians can literally be life savers. Also, if you are on great terms with your mother, having her there is one of the greatest gifts you and she can share. Of course, if your relationship is less than stellar, having someone else present can be preferable.

Question: What is your birth experience? What are you birthing in your life in 2009? Email and share.

For your evolution, transformation and support, The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, already hailed as an amazing masterpiece, will be available as a healing transformational 600-page ebook in February at Get FREE ebook, The Mother’s Manual Sampler © also.

Much Love,

Mama Heart

Audrye is a mystic intuitive, transformational catalyst, healer, artist and author who does group and private sessions around the world. She is also a daughter, sister, mom and grammie.

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