Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Mother's Heart: "Adolescent Mouth"

Do you or your teen have “Adolescent Mouth”? Do you remember it? “Adolescent Mouth” is that indescribably nasty I-know-it-all-and-you-do-not attitude so many adolescents seem to embrace at some time in their development, which some people keep as a lifelong behavior. Did you do this? I certainly did, and felt absolutely justified and correct in so doing, even as I also felt guilty, knowing even then I was being unfair. I felt some of the people toward whom I displayed this yucky behavior were playing with half or less of a deck. Somewhat judgmental, would you say?

Some people hold onto Adolescent Mouth as a means of behavior throughout their lives. Do you know anyone like this? Is it ever you? Recognize. Be aware that using nastiness as a way to deal with anything often is an indication of that person’s feeling angry, upset, hostile, outranked, scared. Though bullies have made a habit of honing Adolescent Mouth as a weapon, by now most people know that bullies are actually out-of-control insecure scared people, picking on anyone they consider more vulnerable than themselves. This goes for individuals, groups, nations. Instead, find a way to actually state and deal directly with the issues at hand rather than coming off as an irritable and irritating adolescent. The time for healthy emotional expression is upon us, whatever our age.

Adolescence is that precious time between childhood and teen time, when the person is beyond childhood yet before the demands and changes of the teens. The teens are harbingers of adulthood. Adolescence and/or puberty is a time of great change in anyone’s life with hormones cascading through the blood, accompanied with rapid bodily and emotional shifts. New feelings, new physicality, new needs are emerging. How to handle this? What to do? What to feel? How to behave? Have you handled your experience successfully and consciously? Most people need guidance. Be sure to be aware of this in your teen, and be loving, aware, compassionate, honoring, and request your teen be this with you, too. Many teens will respond favorably to this.

Adolescence is also that time when people bond with their peers. Acting bossy to your teen at this time is often counter-productive, fruitless, and almost guaranteed to garner retaliation. Your behavior would then show you to be indulging in your own brand of Adolescent Mouth. You have to go beyond this, including, sometimes, using appropriate humor. Mainly, you are being called upon to put yourself in your teen’s shoes, figuratively, and understand from your teen’s perspective what is occurring, and for you to come up with wisdom rather than autocratic dictates. Remember, you both will live through this, so listen, listen, listen, to what your teen is actually saying, and be there for your child.

Today’s culture, especially in the U.S., has many instances of young adolescents looking to behave like young adults. Their bodies are beginning to look more mature, yet their minds and emotions are still immature. Ask yourself: If you are a woman, were you adequately and lovingly prepared for your period and sexuality by your mom or other parent or parental figure? If you are a man, were you adequately and lovingly prepared for wet dreams and sexual desires by your father or other parent or parental figure? For everyone: Have you healed yourself of whatever issues occurred when you were an adolescent? If you are a parent, particularly a mother, if your child is an adolescent, those years between 10-13, are you ready to prepare your child for this onslaught of changes?

Girls will often find themselves having a huge interest in styling. Either that, or they’ll hide in sweats and large T’s. Boys may begin to swagger. Some adolescents will look to take on the trappings of what they think is adulthood, including usage of alcohol, tobacco, or other unhealthy substances. Some may begin to swear and use harsh language. Some will ignore school, while others will immerse themselves in studies. Some are involved in sexual exploration, including some that look innocent and physically undeveloped.

Soon, the peer group will be the main thing in their lives, while parents are relegated to the back seat. Be conscious and aware with love: Your child needs you as much as ever to be there as a model, guide, confidante. Be well aware of the privacy that comes with this age, the new bodily awareness. Are you prepared?

Now is absolutely the time to talk about sex, if you have not already done so. Do this by the time your child is 10. In fact, in today’s world, very delicately begin talks about good and bad touch when you child is as young as 3 or 4 years of age.

What part is “Adolescent Mouth” playing in your life?

Please email me at with your responses!!

For support, guidance, ideas, email me at and check out The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood © in Chapter Nine of Part Two, “Adolescence, Here It Is.” For more information and after late February to order this amazing book, hailed as a masterpiece, please go to Special for YOU, is the 60-page FREE ebook, The Mother’s Manual Sampler ©. Finally, Babies Come With a Manual!!! ™

Also, be sure to let me know at this email what ideas and topics you want to see in this Blog.


Mama Heart

Audrye is a spiritual therapist, transformational catalyst, artist, TV personality, author AND Mom and Grammie, who has held seminars and classes in the U.S., Europe, West Africa and the Caribbean. She, her Team and YOU are creating a transformational peaceful multi-dimensional total global experience for all of us. Look forward to teleseminars, webinars, Internet radio and TV shows, as well as in-person seminars. Many blessings to us all!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Mother's Heart: Tips for Two to Tweens

Two-to-tween child issues have your confused? Here are some helpful tips.

Reward and acknowledge your child’s good behavior, and avoid telling your child she/he is “bad.”

Have at least 10 “yes’s” for every one “no.” Examples: Yes, you may wear the green top. Yes, you may eat the carrot. Yes, you may read the book. Yes, you may see a movie this weekend. Yes, you may do your homework at that table. No, you may not stay out till 2 a.m. Yes, you may have your friend visit.

Create Family and Home Guidelines (c) in which every member of the family participates. You and your mate, if there is a mate, are the senior members of the family co-operative, while the child is a junior member. Here are some ideas: Everyone treats herself/himself and everyone else with respect. People behave toward one another as each prefers to be treated. Everyone has tasks and chores to do at appointed times. Individual talents and the consensus of the group can determine these, and/or everyone gets an opportunity to do many of the tasks, resulting in everyone being capable in many areas. We go to bed at peace with one another, the world, and ourselves with love in our hearts and smiles on our faces. No one goes to bad angry with another person. Any unresolved anger or other issues are put in a Jug of Light ™ where the issues are en-lightened. Family members agree to disagree, if need be, with an agreed-upon acknowledged time and place for resolving the concern in a peaceful manner.

All of this and more, more, more are in the healing transformational 600-page ebook, The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, which will be available to you next month at .

FREE for you next month also is the special ebook, The Mother’s Manual Sampler ©!!!

QUESTION FOR YOU: How do you handle situations with your two-to-tween child?

Please email me at with your responses!! Everyone, also let me know what ideas and topics you would like to see in this Blog.

Much Love,

Mama Heart

Audrye is a spiritual therapist, transformational catalyst, artist, TV personality, author AND Mom and Grammie, who has held seminars and classes in the U.S., Europe, West Africa and the Caribbean. She, Team and YOU are creating a transformational peaceful multi-dimensional total global experience for all of us. Look forward to teleseminars, webinars, Internet radio and TV shows, as well as in-person seminars. Many blessings to us all!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A Mother's Heart: Moms and Grams

Love letter to my grand-baby! The spirituality – and all else -- of being a mom is beyond time, space and place. When this journey happily morphs into a grammie tale, how fabulous is this!! Today’s Blog is a personal one that’s also universal.

Now that I’m a Grammie, and get to participate in the development of the daughter of my daughter, I can assure you of the absolute deliciousness, delightfulness of this aspect of life, especially as we had all prepared for this new arrival and were as ready as we could be. That I was an integral part of the birthing team is one of the greatest gifts my daughter has bestowed upon me. To see my grand-daughter emerge, and so decidedly quickly, is, I’m sure, a harbinger of this baby’s charming, brilliant, and adorable effect on us all.

Though my daughter and I are certainly two distinctly differently people, the thread of our connection clearly runs strongly through the two of us, and can already be seen in the baby. It is amazing how both DNA and environment have their roles in human development, as well as the souls of all involved and everyone’s action, attitude and behavior choices. Suffice it to say, I am enjoying to the hilt seeing my daughter be a mom, as well as my new place as Grammie, as well as Mom.

Is there one way to be a grandmother? There are at least as many ways as there are grandmas. We all have our own ways, and we can – and will – change our own modalities. I love to play with this little one, giving her zerberts, tickling her, kissing her, holding her, singing to her, letting her relax and rest, holding and walking with her. This is universal. When I see her echoing the facial expressions of both my father or her paternal grandfather, both of whom are with Spirit, I smile. When I saw my daughter as a baby do the same, I thought, to my then-amazement, that DNA will out. So, be aware that DNA, whether for something we love or loath, can appear, so be sure to contribute positive factors, encouraging the new being, using positive actions, shining love, being the living Soul of Light in personal form.

For those of you who are moms and/or grams, here is my question:

QUESTION: How do you bring your Divine Love and Light to your child and/or grandchild?

Please email me at with your responses!! Everyone, also let me know what ideas and topics you would like to see in this Blog.

Very soon – we’re targeting next month – you will be able to have your FREE copy of the delectable The Mother’s Manual Sampler © ebook, as well as order the healing transformational 600-page masterpiece ebook, The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood © at . Finally, Babies Come With a Manual!!! ™

Much Love,

Mama Heart

Audrye is a spiritual therapist, transformational catalyst, artist, TV personality, author AND Mom and Grammie, who has held seminars and classes in the U.S., Europe, West Africa and the Caribbean. She, Team and YOU are creating a transformational peaceful multi-dimensional total global experience for all of us. Look forward to teleseminars, webinars, Internet radio and TV shows, as well as in-person seminars. Many blessings to us all!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Mother's Heart: "The Protective Prayer"

Life is a spiritual journey, yet sometimes we may feel like screaming and venting. How can we energetically protect ourselves and others if and when we howl? Answer: "The Protective Prayer” ©! -- given to me by Source. This is used for self-processing while alone, without yelling at another person.

"The Protective Prayer”© protects the person doing transformational self-work and emotional expression, as well as anyone else named in the process. Use this when you may be feeling angry and choose to vent your emotions without causing harm anywhere to anyone, including yourself. As emotions are emotion in motion, energy moving, and intention can create manifestation, we have to be aware of what we say, our attitude and intention behind what we think, say and do. Yet, if a person has been unable to wrap love around his or her own anger as Thich Nat Hanh recommends so wisely, then we have to do something else that is honoring of ourselves, where we are, and everyone else in existence.

So, here is "The Protective Prayer” ©. You do this process alone. Say to the Universe/Source: “Protect myself and everyone else I may mention aloud or silently with Protective Loving Light and Energy Light and Love. Whatever I may say and feel, and to whomever I may direct these words and emotions, these words and emotions are to go into the Universe as Light and Love, and everyone is to be protected in Light and Love. I ask that whatever spaces may be made available in me from releasing and expressing whatever I express is to be filled with Divine Light and Love, and to whomever else would like this, let that person also be filled with Divine Light and Love. I do this for my highest good, the highest good of all concerned and the highest good of the Universe, with free will and free choice for all concerned. Thank you.”

Then say whatever it is you have to say with the full extent of your emotions.

When you are complete with your process, say again to Source / Universe: “Whatever it may have looked like, felt like or sounded like, I am to be filled with Light and Love, as are the people I named. Any spaces and places made open and available within me as a result of this process is to be filled with Light and Love. The Universe is to be filled with Light and Love. Any emotions, words, intentions and anything else that I may have expressed are to be lifted to their highest vibration, and Light and Love is to result. Anything that is truly mine in what I released and expressed is to be returned to me as Light and Love, and anything that belongs to anyone else or anywhere else is to be returned to them transmuted into Light and Love. I do and did all this for my highest good, the highest good of the people mentioned, the highest good of all, with free will and free choice for all concerned. Thank you!”

We are in human third-dimensional form, and we benefit from respecting wherever we are at any given moment. Practice this!!

Question: What was your experience when you did “The Protective Prayer” ©?

Feel free to email me at with your responses, questions and requests for whatever you would like to see in this Blog.

Very soon – we’re targeting next month -- this and other processes will be available to you in both The Mother’s Manual Sampler © and The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, both of which will be available to you as ebooks at .

Much Love,

Mama Heart

Audrye is a spiritual therapist, transformational catalyst, mom, grammie, artist, TV personality and author who has held seminars and classes in person, notably in the U.S., Europe, West Africa and the Caribbean. She looks forward to and is creating a transformational peaceful multi-dimensional total global experience for all of us.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Mother's Heart: Birthing Babies and Life

A new year!!! This year, 2009, is an “11,” the Master Visionary. What are your dreams, soul promptings, desires for your life, your family, the world? This is definitely the year to birth these into actuality. Today is sacred. Open to Divine Love everywhere.

How can we birth the Divine and Sacred in our lives? One way is to start with our breath and breathing with intention, attention, love and focus. A simple and highly effective Breathing Attunement is the Four-Part Breath. Imagine the lungs as energy balloons, able to stretch easily. Gently and fully inhale through your nose and direct the breath to your diaphragm, chest, throat and head. Hold gently, then slowly release the breath from your nose, first from the head, throat, chest and diaphragm. Hold without inhaling for a moment. Then inhale and do the same process again for two or more inhalations and exhalations.

Birthing of anything is an exciting, even exotic, experience, always shifting whatever was before. Birthing a baby is a momentous experience, however it occurs. For me, birthing my daughter was via emergency C-section six weeks before the official due date because I was experiencing placenta abruptia, meaning the placenta was leaving my body. My daughter was out in less than an hour. My mom, in long labor with me, told me I was born with forceps.

My daughter birthed her daughter in a totally natural manner, with me as part of her birthing team. For this, I am ever grateful. I was physically unconscious, while my consciousness was undergoing a near-death experience. That’s another blog. You can read all about it in The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, slated for launch as an ebook in February at .

For the newborn, birth can be defined as leaving the realm of higher dimensions and entering the third-dimensional physical realm. The infant is clothed both in vernix, actually good for the baby and can be massaged into the baby’s skin, as well an energy of beauty. This is important information, as the vernix is good for the baby's skin and may enhance the baby's immune system.

At this time, the Earth itself is birthing into a higher energy. The Earth is positioning herself to be in the Galactic Center by Dec 21, 2012, which is a time of massive potential frequency shift. At this time, the Shuman Resonance of the planet is lifting. It is vital that we people raise our frequencies so we are operating on a spectrum that includes the fourth and fifth dimensions. If you do the practices discussed in this Blog, you support this shift within yourself

Spirituality and life can be lived powerfully, passionately and peacefully – with lace around the edges, if you choose -- rather than as being folded sedately away in a closet. Everyone was birthed in one way or another. In the days to come, and already upon us, there may be high-tech birthing, such as was described in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. I recommend birthing your baby in as natural way as possible, including a water birth, with good preparation plus your team. Having a doula available is a great way to go, as are nurse midwives, who have a special vibration in this life-shifting time. When needed, obstetricians can literally be life savers. Also, if you are on great terms with your mother, having her there is one of the greatest gifts you and she can share. Of course, if your relationship is less than stellar, having someone else present can be preferable.

Question: What is your birth experience? What are you birthing in your life in 2009? Email and share.

For your evolution, transformation and support, The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, already hailed as an amazing masterpiece, will be available as a healing transformational 600-page ebook in February at Get FREE ebook, The Mother’s Manual Sampler © also.

Much Love,

Mama Heart

Audrye is a mystic intuitive, transformational catalyst, healer, artist and author who does group and private sessions around the world. She is also a daughter, sister, mom and grammie.

A Mother's Heart: Birthing Life and Babies

A new year!!! This year, 2009, is an “11,” the Master Visionary. What are your dreams, soul promptings, desires for your life, your family, the world? This is definitely the year to birth these into actuality. Today is sacred. Open to Divine Love everywhere.

How can we birth the Divine and Sacred in our lives? One way is to start with our breath and breathing with intention, attention, love and focus. A simple and highly effective Breathing Attunement is the Four-Part Breath. Imagine the lungs as energy balloons, able to stretch easily. Gently and fully inhale through your nose and direct the breath to your diaphragm, chest, throat and head. Hold gently, then slowly release the breath from your nose, first from the head, throat, chest and diaphragm. Hold without inhaling for a moment. Then inhale and do the same process again for two or more inhalations and exhalations.

Birthing of anything is an exciting, even exotic, experience, always shifting whatever was before. Birthing a baby is a momentous experience, however it occurs. For me, birthing my daughter was via emergency C-section six weeks before the official due date because I was experiencing placenta abruptia, meaning the placenta was leaving my body. My daughter was out in less than an hour. My mom, in long labor with me, told me I was born with forceps.

My daughter birthed her daughter in a totally natural manner, with me as part of her birthing team. For this, I am ever grateful. I was physically unconscious, while my consciousness was undergoing a near-death experience. That’s another blog. You can read all about it in The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, slated for launch as an ebook in February at .

For the newborn, birth can be defined as leaving the realm of higher dimensions and entering the third-dimensional physical realm. The infant is clothed both in vernix, actually good for the baby and can be massaged into the baby’s skin, as well an energy of beauty. At this time, the Earth itself is birthing into a higher energy. Even the Shuman Resonance of the planet is lifting. It is vital that we people raise our frequencies so that we are operating on a spectrum that includes the fourth and fifth dimensions.

Spirituality and life can be lived powerfully, passionately and peacefully – with lace around the edges, if you choose -- rather than as being folded sedately away in a closet. Everyone was birthed in one way or another. In the days to come, and already upon us, there may be high-tech birthing, such as was described in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. I recommend birthing your baby in as natural way as possible, including a water birth, with good preparation plus your team. Having a doula available is a great way to go, as are nurse midwives, who have a special vibration in this life-shifting time. When needed, obstetricians can literally be life savers. Also, if you are on great terms with your mother, having her there is one of the greatest gifts you and she can share. Of course, if your relationship is less than stellar, having someone else present can be preferable.

Question: What is your birth experience? What are you birthing in your life in 2009? Email and share.

For your evolution, transformation and support, The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, already hailed as an amazing masterpiece, will be available as a healing transformational 600-page ebook in February at Get FREE ebook, The Mother’s Manual Sampler © also.

Much Love,

Mama Heart

Audrye is a mystic intuitive, transformational catalyst, healer, artist and author who does group and private sessions around the world. She is also a daughter, sister, mom and grammie.