The Winter Solstice, with all the many religious and cultural holidays surrounding it – Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, to name three -- is upon us. The longest night (more seeming dark) and shortest day of the year, then the shift to longer days (more obvious light), shorter nights, celebrated in one form or another throughout the world, in two forms as the birth of the Son and Festival of Lights. Yet, at this time of regular global shift, how peaceful and loving do many people feel amidst their family? How is for you to hang out with your family? Are you the mom – or dad -- everyone loves to be with or do they flee? Are you the daughter or son everyone flocks to or runs from? It has been said that if people would like to “test” their spirituality and level of enlightenment, go and spend a week with your parents. This obviously points to the old unfinished personal junque (a technical term, also known as “junk”) that can magically surface at such times. What to do to maximize this fabulous opportunity to create peace, especially during the holidays.
For me, if and when I feel I may be triggered with vestiges of whatever junque may still be lurking within me, I meditate, pray, set my intention, laugh, balance my energy, and, yes, get energy healings from colleagues, and then I go and have a great time. Without internal preparation, attention and intention, a person – me, too -- can be surprised by the old-time junque that surfaces. This is an excellent time to recognize it and choose what to do with it, and who to be. Some people choose to sit in their junque, hoarding it, others deny their junque’s existence (so it runs them), whereas others look to drop their junque before even knowing the gift the junque may be bestowing upon them. Yes, junque can also be a gift, showing us where we’ve been, how far we’ve come, and how much more the journey may entail.
Some tips for dealing with junque. First, recognize the junque, which may be an attitude, emotion, belief system, behavior. Secondly, experience what the junque has to teach you, such as: Are you needing more compassion for yourself or someone else? Will you benefit from releasing emotional-physical-psychological-mental pain you accepted in the past as a result of your experience of someone else’s words or behavior? Do you need this pain? If you choose to let go of the pain, breathe the pain out of you by literally visioning/feeling the pain surrounded by Divine Light. Then breathe this pain out with your exhalation, and send the pain to the Realm of Healing and Light. Let the Divine figure out how the pain gets there. Remember to love yourself. Thirdly, if for reasons of your own, you choose to hold onto this junque, know it is your choice. Life is also a multi-dimensional matrixd of perspectives, and one person’s junque can be another’s treasure. Let go of concepts of good and bad – which can be a tricky business – and see what you are grateful for in having this junque. Fourth, feel gratitude for your growth. Add love to the mix. Do affirmations, which are statements of power and intent, stating in the present tense your intended outcome and desire, using the personal pronouns, “I,” “me” or “my” to personalize your affirmation. Affirmations can also be thought of as prayers and intentions. All our thoughts and words are, in a sense, prayers, so be aware of what you are thinking, including the chattering internal dialog, and what you are saying. Fifth, enjoy yourself, and appreciate everyone. Let each person know what you love and appreciate about them. We all have gifts, and we are all clearing, harmonizing our junque, in one form or another, even if things look askew. Where you put your focus is where you go. So, Sixth, intent a great time for all, including yourself, and celebrate with these people!!! Your light may be just the catalyst to get the party going, where everyone feels loved, acknowledged and “gotten.”
Folks, if we say we’re going for local and global peace, what does it say about any of us if we have flaming discord within our families? All of us who are on the Earth are here, and we all have to live here. Obviously, if someone is an out-and-out abuser, a walking toxic dump, bless this person, and give them a wide berth, if this is the best you can do. Take care of yourself. Remember the adage: After me, you come first. Yes, take care of yourself!!! Do this, with love, and you will surely have a great time with your family. After all, we are all aspects of one another, in varying amounts, levels of consciousness, and degrees of overt action.
Question: How is your holiday experience? What was great? How have your grown as a result? What was seemingly impossible? This is your opportunity to participate, in a respectful manner, so we all evolve and create consciousness, loving relationships, and a peaceful planet.
I invite you to send people to A Mother’s Heart ™ Blog so we become a movement on this planet that creates positive shifts, heightened transformation, loving families, brilliant children, financial wealth, amazing health and well-being -- including with food and weight -- great relationships, and abundant energy in all areas. Imagine life with self-nurturing, peaceful conflict resolution, positive choices, and harmonious relationships. Add to all this laughter and joy, beauty inside and out, and so much more
Thank you for being here!!. Happy Holidays!!! Many blessings!!!!
With Love,
Mama Heart
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