Friday, December 26, 2008

Ten Steps to Your Emotional Wellness

If you were emotionally free and clear with everything that happened in your life, how would this affect you as a woman and as a mom? Completing past emotional hurt, anger, pain, what-have-you that had been hampering you opens the door to mega possibilities now and in the future. Whatever may have occurred in the past, you can triumph over it. Often, a person’s perception of past occurrences can be the issue. Transforming yourself certainly enhances you as well as shifts the energy in your family, more effectively resulting in evolved in children.

To be the best mom possible, be present in the moment. If you mentally and emotionally harbor and stress over stuff from the past, you can attract these same issues in the now like a magnet because you are energizing and focusing on it. This can create a spiral of dysfunctional behavior.

People are made of various “bodies,” from the subtle to the physical. People experience existence via various realms, including the spiritual, energetic, mental, emotional, physical, so shifting requires dealing with all of it. Emotional health can lead to a life of love, creativity, prosperity, contribution, achievement for you and your children.

Here are Ten Steps to Your Emotional Wellness.

1. Acknowledge Your Feelings. Whatever feelings are going on inside you, acknowledge them. Stop hiding from or denying these feeling, whether pain, anger, regret, rage, sadness, grief, or whatever. Be truthful and authentic with yourself. Ask the help and protection of Source, whether you call it God, Goddess, Spirit, the Universe, Allah, or Any Other Name. Breathe deeply and slowly for a minimum of three inhalations and exhalations. You are sufficiently strong, even if you feel vulnerable. Remember to love yourself.

2. Feel, Learn From and Express Your Feelings. Always ask Source to protect, guide and nurture you and everyone else with Divine Love. Feel your feeling. Cry, yell, shout. Do this either alone or with a trusted person who allows you to be who you are being in the moment. Respect that the feeling is teaching you something. Are you learning patience, courage, strength, letting go, moving on, negotiation, love? Find positives way to express your feeling. You can feel the emotion, state it, write it. For example, you can yell your anger at the wall. You can also put love around your anger, as the anger itself requires love. If there is another person you feel these feelings about, first do your own processing, then deal with the other person. Pay attention to what you learned about yourself from this experience. If you are holding, say, anger, coat the anger – or whatever feeling is lurking about – with Divine Love, and ask the feeling what it has to teach you. Get quiet and listen. Perhaps the lesson is to take action. Perhaps the learning is to love yourself more. Perhaps you are to release toxic people and situations from your life. Perhaps you are to transform toxic attitudes and patterns within yourself. Perhaps it’s time to move on.

3. Release and/or Transform Your Feeling: A simple way to release feelings is to allow the feeling to go to the Divine. Imagine or sense that the feeling is leaving you via a web of Light and is going to the Realm of Healing and Light while you are being filled with Divine Love and Light to replace the released emotion. Remember to love yourself throughout this process. If, for example, you are in a relationship, and your partner did something against the agreements you both had, you may feel that you were betrayed by your partner. You may choose to stay feeling victimized, wronged, vengeful, upset, and a host of other feelings. This empowers these feelings. You can also choose to learn why what happened actually occurred. You can also choose to refrain from taking that person’s actions personally, be willing to understand the person, and choose what kind of relationship you will have with that person. You can choose to both learn as well as pardon that person’s behavior while also holding that person accountable. Whatever you do, certainly choose to release from yourself any negative effects within you from this experience. This is one of the chief reasons for forgiveness or pardoning. Certainly, you can hold the other person and yourself accountable in whatever ways are appropriate.

4. Fill Yourself With Love. Whatever else you do, remember to love yourself. Ask for Divine Love and Light to be with and Guide you. Always go for the highest, most enlightened choices.

5. Give Thanks for the Lessons and for Thriving. Whatever happened is in the past, and you are here in the present. Give thanks for the learning. If, say, there was abuse in your background, give thanks that you survived. As you clean out feeling like a victim, you shift emotionally and energetically, and become the thriver that you are. Make peace with yourself that you are holding this feeling, then you can let the feeling go to the Divine, coated with Divine Love. Fill yourself with Love. Give gratitude for being alive, sometimes even without knowing why you are saying yes to life. This alone can shift your frequency vibration.

6. Release Blame, Pardon, and Be Accountable. Be willing to release blame, guilt and shame as a way of life. They are ineffective. Instead, be accountable. Pardon what behavior you can, while also holding yourself and anyone else accountable for whatever occurred. Sometimes the only way I can pardon someone is for me to lift my frequency vibration so high that I am dwelling in the vibration of Love, and from there, I can pardon because the perspective from that energetic vantage point is different from “normal” third-dimensional Earth viewpoints. Pardoning past actions is different from allowing unacceptable behavior. Refrain from allowing the unacceptable. What actions need to be taken to create accountability for the behavior? A phone call? Discussion? Fixing or rebuilding something? Learning new attitudes or skills? Pardoning of behavior? Negotiating a new relationship? Letting go of a pattern? Ending a relationship? New life path? A different way to be a mom? A good cry? Yelling at the wall? Going to court?

7. Feel What You Prefer. Whatever feeling you may prefer to experience, once you have absorbed the gift of learning the emotion was teaching you, transmuted your previous feeling, you can now choose to feel whatever you choose. That’s right. You get to choose. This is your life, your emotions, your energy, your mind, your body, yours. Reach for the highest, most loving, most enlightened feeling and vibration. Breathe this emotion into your cells, your physical and emotional bodies. Love is stronger than anger and sadness.

8. Integrate the New Feelings Into Your Life. Vision, imagine, feel, sense what you and your life would and could be like with these new, perhaps enhanced, feelings as part of your normal way of being. Does this have you feeling positive, loving, powerful, capable, a champion of life? Then, embrace the new!!! Replace your old feelings with your new ones. Write out to Source and yourself your new vision and experience of life in the present tense, creating your life as a script writer writes a movie. This is your life. Ask for this or something better. Be open to receive, activate and live this life. By the way, whatever you are feeling, this is okay, as on some level, you are choosing this. Sometimes transmutation is a shorter, sometimes a longer process.

9. Get Up and Live Your Life Anew. Live from your new perspective and new emotions, who you are evolving into. Take steps that are in alignment with who you really are: a Divine Being having an Earthly life. This means that as important as feelings and emotions are – and they are!! – you are made of vibration and energy. You can raise this vibration. We are meant to do this. Allowing yourself to vibrate at the rate of love enhances your life experience.

10. Merge the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms. In summing up: Give gratitude for the entire experience, acknowledge all that you have learned, release the bounds that had hampered your ongoing brilliance, surround the ready-to-be transmuted feelings with Light and let it go, as you allow that Divine Light to fill you up as It blesses you. Vision how your life could be with love as your Guide, write out your ideas for this fabulous life, and take tangible steps to actualize this life here and now. This way you blend the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms.

As a mom, you may do things or omit doing things that you later regret. As your child or children learn that you processing your feelings, and they see you grow, they learn that whatever they do or whatever life brings to them, they are more powerful than circumstances, and can survive and thrive beyond all. Teach them by doing and saying. This way of handling your emotions also is a great way to keep feelings between you and your offspring clean and clear. This leads to a wondrous relationship with your child or children now and throughout life. It also helps keep you ever-young.

QUESTION: How do you handle “challenging” feelings? Your response supports all of us in living Conscious Loving Prosperous lives. Thank you very much!

For many other ways to experience feelings, transmute what needs it, complete issues of the past and live fully in so many ways, the 600-page healing transformational book, The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, launching as an ebook in February, is a treasure.

As I learn and get proficient with Internet technology, I’ll be reviewing products, making recommendations, perhaps interviewing other experts, and answering your questions. So, let me know what you want.

For more amazing ways to have mothering be a sacred journey filled with bliss, even as you go through the shoals and rapids of life, in February you can get FREE, The Mother’s Manual, A Sampler ©, at Also, again, you will be able to order, in February, The Mother’s Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood ©, also at Meanwhile, watch Audrye Now! © Transformational Internet TV at

Have a sacred, blissful, love-filled HOLIDAYS!!!!

With Love,

Mama Heart

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Mother's Heart: Family Peace, Especially During Holidays

The Winter Solstice, with all the many religious and cultural holidays surrounding it – Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, to name three -- is upon us. The longest night (more seeming dark) and shortest day of the year, then the shift to longer days (more obvious light), shorter nights, celebrated in one form or another throughout the world, in two forms as the birth of the Son and Festival of Lights. Yet, at this time of regular global shift, how peaceful and loving do many people feel amidst their family? How is for you to hang out with your family? Are you the mom – or dad -- everyone loves to be with or do they flee? Are you the daughter or son everyone flocks to or runs from? It has been said that if people would like to “test” their spirituality and level of enlightenment, go and spend a week with your parents. This obviously points to the old unfinished personal junque (a technical term, also known as “junk”) that can magically surface at such times. What to do to maximize this fabulous opportunity to create peace, especially during the holidays.

For me, if and when I feel I may be triggered with vestiges of whatever junque may still be lurking within me, I meditate, pray, set my intention, laugh, balance my energy, and, yes, get energy healings from colleagues, and then I go and have a great time. Without internal preparation, attention and intention, a person – me, too -- can be surprised by the old-time junque that surfaces. This is an excellent time to recognize it and choose what to do with it, and who to be. Some people choose to sit in their junque, hoarding it, others deny their junque’s existence (so it runs them), whereas others look to drop their junque before even knowing the gift the junque may be bestowing upon them. Yes, junque can also be a gift, showing us where we’ve been, how far we’ve come, and how much more the journey may entail.

Some tips for dealing with junque. First, recognize the junque, which may be an attitude, emotion, belief system, behavior. Secondly, experience what the junque has to teach you, such as: Are you needing more compassion for yourself or someone else? Will you benefit from releasing emotional-physical-psychological-mental pain you accepted in the past as a result of your experience of someone else’s words or behavior? Do you need this pain? If you choose to let go of the pain, breathe the pain out of you by literally visioning/feeling the pain surrounded by Divine Light. Then breathe this pain out with your exhalation, and send the pain to the Realm of Healing and Light. Let the Divine figure out how the pain gets there. Remember to love yourself. Thirdly, if for reasons of your own, you choose to hold onto this junque, know it is your choice. Life is also a multi-dimensional matrixd of perspectives, and one person’s junque can be another’s treasure. Let go of concepts of good and bad – which can be a tricky business – and see what you are grateful for in having this junque. Fourth, feel gratitude for your growth. Add love to the mix. Do affirmations, which are statements of power and intent, stating in the present tense your intended outcome and desire, using the personal pronouns, “I,” “me” or “my” to personalize your affirmation. Affirmations can also be thought of as prayers and intentions. All our thoughts and words are, in a sense, prayers, so be aware of what you are thinking, including the chattering internal dialog, and what you are saying. Fifth, enjoy yourself, and appreciate everyone. Let each person know what you love and appreciate about them. We all have gifts, and we are all clearing, harmonizing our junque, in one form or another, even if things look askew. Where you put your focus is where you go. So, Sixth, intent a great time for all, including yourself, and celebrate with these people!!! Your light may be just the catalyst to get the party going, where everyone feels loved, acknowledged and “gotten.”

Folks, if we say we’re going for local and global peace, what does it say about any of us if we have flaming discord within our families? All of us who are on the Earth are here, and we all have to live here. Obviously, if someone is an out-and-out abuser, a walking toxic dump, bless this person, and give them a wide berth, if this is the best you can do. Take care of yourself. Remember the adage: After me, you come first. Yes, take care of yourself!!! Do this, with love, and you will surely have a great time with your family. After all, we are all aspects of one another, in varying amounts, levels of consciousness, and degrees of overt action.

Question: How is your holiday experience? What was great? How have your grown as a result? What was seemingly impossible? This is your opportunity to participate, in a respectful manner, so we all evolve and create consciousness, loving relationships, and a peaceful planet.

I invite you to send people to A Mother’s Heart ™ Blog so we become a movement on this planet that creates positive shifts, heightened transformation, loving families, brilliant children, financial wealth, amazing health and well-being -- including with food and weight -- great relationships, and abundant energy in all areas. Imagine life with self-nurturing, peaceful conflict resolution, positive choices, and harmonious relationships. Add to all this laughter and joy, beauty inside and out, and so much more

Thank you for being here!!. Happy Holidays!!! Many blessings!!!!

With Love,

Mama Heart

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Mother's Heart: Spiritual Motherhood and Conscious Conception

Hi, Everyone,

Did you have perfect mothering? Do you know a mom who can use some help with her parenting skills? Would you like to be a better mom? Mothering is a lifelong journey, whether our baby is a newborn, a teen, or a parent. All of us can benefit from support, wisdom and laughter. Here it is!!!

Greetings and welcome!! This is my first Blog and entry to this aspect of virtual reality. What a world we live in! What we are creating! This brings me to some of the reasons for A Mother’s Heart ™ Blog. Why now and how can you benefit from it? Whether you are a single mother, married mother, heterosexual or lesbian mother, mother of any race or culture or multicultural mom, this Blog supports and inspires you with mothering advice, suggestions, experience and ideas. Want to be a great mom with an amazing child or children? This Blog’s for you!

First of all, I’m a mom – and a newly minted grammie (grandma). I love being my daughter’s mother!!! I’m born under the sign of the Cosmic Mother Goddess in both Western and Vedic astrology, so this comes naturally to me. Because I’ve seen, counseled and experienced the effects of unconscious, negative and poor mothering, I’m creating A Mother’s Heart ™ Blog to share ideas, open minds and hearts, learn, teach, deal with issues, and inquire into future possibilities – with YOU!! Your participation benefits everyone -- yourself, your children, myself and the entire world. That’s how important YOU and all of us are.

When I got pregnant with my daughter, my former spouse and I did it consciously with the acknowledged intention of creating a child. This is an aspect of “conscious conception,” which I heartily recommend. My grand-daughter was also conceived, carried and born via “conscious conception.” “Conscious conception” is a mixture of intention, awareness, preparation, readiness, follow-through, and more.

Because there appears to be an “epidemic” of unplanned pregnancies in this country – as well as in the world – including among, though not restricted to, teenagers still in high school, I advocate mothering and fathering classes in school, discussions of contraception, and reiterating the cause-and-effect relationship of unprotected sex as the mode of creating pregnancy. I am aware that some people actually think we humans are meant to close off our intellect and intuition when it comes to our sexuality, thereby consciously or via willful ignorance, creating chaos, heartbreak, and distress in the form of unexpected and unplanned pregnancies, which often results in unwanted children, financial and emotional stress and strain, psychological pressure, and relationship hardships.

Instead, all of us humans, coming from the same Source of Light that we do, are actually equipped with the means to monitor and choose our times to conceive. We women have fertility cycles, and all of us, women and men, have access to contraceptives. The world is having breakdowns (leading to breakthroughs), shifts and rebuilding in our eco-systems, partially brought on by human over-population as well as human mismanagement of planetary natural resources. Human ingenuity and awareness can also consciously co-create our lives and world. We are actually living in such amazing times that we can do this.

How does this appeal to you? How can this enhance your life and the lives of everyone in your family?

So, here’s my QUESTION: How do we as women (and men) go beyond negative individual and collective conditioning and individually and collectively co-create fabulous children and a magnificent world?

Please keep your responses open, honest, respectful and on the topic, so they will be printed. Let us create a great community and world of Loving Consciousness!!

Why would you want to participate? What do you get out of it? How do you benefit? I’m a spiritual therapist, healer, clairvoyant counselor, artist, author (book launching by Feb 9th), Internet TV producer/host. As a transformation catalyst, I channel Divine Love and Healing to shift our human resonance frequency to higher vibrations, embracing higher dimensions. I’ll be writing A Mother’s Heart ™ Blog once a week. Stay tuned to A Mother’s Hear t™ and learn methods of self-transformation for yourself and your family. Imagine conceiving, raising and releasing to the world enlightened children and adults. How does this sound to you? We can have miracles in our lives now! Now is the time!!!

Please send people to A Mother’s Heart ™ Blog so we become a movement on this planet that creates positive shifts, heightened transformation, loving families, brilliant children, financial wealth, amazing health and well-being -- including with food and weight -- great relationships, and abundant energy in all areas. Imagine life with self-nurturing, peaceful conflict resolution, positive choices, and harmonious relationships, even when you may have previously felt you were on your last nerve. What about laughter and joy, beauty inside and out, and so much more?

Thank you for being here!!. Many blessings!!!!

With Love,

Mama Heart


Mom this works! Love you!