A "very" person myself -- very happy, excited, passionate, feeling, whatever -- it has been a journey for me to live from my center core of Light. We are all made of Light; it's what we come from. On Earth, however, the three-dimensionality of most people's existence and the seeming "amnesia" that occurs at birth regarding our deeper origins, can cause people to get stuck in the physicality of this world. We are beyond this, yet also of it. Soooo, how to find balance in a "very" world?
1. Meditate! Every day, for a minimum of 20 minutes, whether with a mantra, affirmation, candle, vision, do this. To raise our frequency vibration and be still brings us to our center.
2. Live from Love! This is the highest vibration we currently know. Love yourself, others, the world. If and when you may find yourself getting angry, upset, frustrated, breathe, breathe, breathe, and go to Love.
3. Breathe!!!! Breathe deeply from your diaphragm, as a baby does. Notice how a baby's entire body breathes? How about you? Do you do this? Or, do your shoulders go up and down, rather than your diaphragm go in (when you exhale) and out (when you inhale)? Take a yoga class and practice pranayama.
4. Give and Receive! When you may be feeling wretched, first take time for yourself. Give to yourself. Take a bath, do your nails, read a great book, pamper yourself. Give to others. Send love, call a friend or family member and tell that person what's great about them and why you treasure them. Donate to a cause you love, both in terms of finances, time and energy. Be part of the matrix of life here and now. Now is the time!
5. Be in Stillness! Turn off every electronic gadget and doodad you have - phones, radio, TV, iPod, laptop, smartphone, MP3, whatever. Go into nature and invigorate yourself by being with the natural physical world, which teems with internal energy and light. Merge. This same inner life burgeons within you.
6. Celebrate! Do something weekly that celebrates your life and experience on Earth. Be with friends, loved ones, associates, family, your Self, and honor everyone, and allow yourself to be honored. Dance, sing, make love, make a joyous noise!!!
7. Give Gratitude to Source! However you conceptualize, experience, sense the Source of All, give gratitude and say thank you for your life, consciousness, initiations, experience, even if you are unsure why you are doing this. Do this daily, and your life shifts and reflects the thanks you are giving.
Yes, sometimes any of us can feel as though we are being spun in a dryer, wrung out and tossed into a basket. Then, give thanks for being clean, about to be folded or ironed, and made gorgeous!!! We are living in the midst of shift, and WE ARE THE SHIFT, as we consciously evolve and raise our frequency vibration. Bring this brilliance to yourself, your family and your life.
Mama Heart
Thursday, July 8, 2010
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