Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Mother's Heart: Creating a Blissful Future

So much debate, including in the spiritual and metaphysical world, about whether people can "create" our futures or whether life is all up to the Universe/Fate/I AM Presence/God-dess/Great Mystery/Whatever. For my part, I "get" that we come into this life with a potential life plan encoded within us that we participated in putting together with Source while we were in the In-Between, and we have the option in every moment of living of fulfilling or digressing from our own In-Between intention. We have "free will" and "free choice" constantly, even when life may seem to negate this. Some people feel that everything is either predestined, so why bother, so to speak, while other folks see life as we plan every moment, including with our thoughts, words, feelings, actions, that we are in sole control. Me, I definitely feel that we are co-creators with MC or Main Creator, of which we are integral parts, the physical manifestation of the Divine, and we have a mammoth say in our lives. I also feel that there are global goings-on that help determine some of our journey, as we are participants in the All. Plus, there's the ever-present surprise, the unique, the multi-dimensional quirky aspect that adds zest to the mix.

How to "know" who you-I-we are?

Meditate, get quiet, feel, sense, open to the higher vibrations. Be in nature, beauty. Take time for your inner spirit to express. This is as important, even more so, as creating the wherewithal to have a living space, clothing, food, the physical necessities of living, as well as creating loving relationships -- with your own self, Creator, family, friends, colleagues. We are all one family, though some people seem ignorant of this. What a family we are!!!! From exceedingly tall to micro petite, from light white to dark black and all shades on the spectrum, with gold and red highlights, so to speak. From straight "as sticks" hair to curly, kinky, fuzzy, long, short, bald. We are brilliant to dull, artistic, creative, mechanical, electronic, "geek."

When the ego gets in the way, this is usually a sign of massive misunderstanding as well as, often, of insecurity. Whenever one sees any individual or group categorically insult or put down another group, generally there is massive insecurity in the individual or group who is doing the insulting. Any person or group who has a healthy self-regard and knows s/he is an aspect of Creation can only marvel at the wonder of it all, as well as, if the ego peeps in, have feelings of sadness for the ignorance and veil obscuring so much of the brilliance available to all of us. What a waste of energy, time, emotion for egos to be running rampant!!! Egos can be interesting things to have to give us some individuality, though the ego is definitly not who any of us is in our essence.

So, how to create a blissful future? Start with questing into who you-I-we are! The eternal questions: Who Am I? Why Am I Here? What Is Life? How Can I Live to Best Express My Essence? Feel with your heart. Sense. Use your head, avoiding the internal dialog as though this ongoing self talk is drivel and junk, which is a great definition of what this constant churning usually is. Clear up your own emotional hurts. If people refuse to heal themselves of slights, hurts, angers, resentments, pain, whatever, of the past, these very emotional pings live on in the body and absolutely can harm the person, who then blasts this stuff out as energetic emanations, as well as words, attitudes, actions, often unknowingly and unconsciously. If you find yourself living in blame, victimhood, rage, sorrow, then it's time for some self-healing. There are plenty of astounding practitioners to facilitate healing. I am one. And, yes, we practitioners who are good at this are also involved constantly in our own evolution. It is a life journey.

When you love someone, tell them, show it, take actions that demonstrate this love, and send out those feelings. If you feel alone -- all one -- send love to the Universe, yourself, the Creator. Rejoice that you are alive with awareness. Start at home with yourself. Bless yourself. Treat yourself as you wish to be treated. See yourself as blessed/blissed. Be the blessing and blissing you choose to receive. Acknowledge yourself. Ask the Universe to bless/bliss you, and allow yourself to receive.

Lots of love to you!!!!

Mama Heart
Audrye (SOON!!!!)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Mother's Heart: The Joys and Pangs of Birthing Anything

Whenever one's dreams are in the process of materializing -- new birth! -- emotions are sure to pop up. In addition to joy and excitement, you-I-we may feel nervous as well as any unfinished hanging-on outmoded feelings, including anything having to do with entitlement, deservability, ability, whatever. This experience holds true for the birth of a baby, graduating or shifting from one level to another or bringing forth a book. So, if you are in the midst of something vital to you, even if you feel and know you are Guided by Source to be-do-have whatever is afoot, remember to breathe, breathe, breathe, and know you're in the company of many who have greatly achieved. Laugh! Be willing to release any old outworn feelings, mind patterns, behavior to Source and open to the glory of the new enlightened experience beckoning your onward.

It may seem to be easy to stay centered and balanced if a person lives a life without anything new or challenging. However, we humans -- hu - wo - mans -- are in a Growth Spurt on this planet at this time. We are in the midst of three powerful eclipses, the Earth's Schumann Resonance Factor has been shifting, and we as a species are being called upon to truly grow up and evolve. When we see on the global stage people who have refused to take responsibility for the pain and anguish they experienced in their lives and allow that angst to rule them, this behavior, sad is it can be, is their refusal to be accountable or to find the kind of support and facilitation that would empower them to release this "junk" and move into their inner peace.

Right now, I am in the process, with my wonderful graphic designer, of going over and honing the design for the free 60-page The Mother's Manual Sampler (c) and the astouncing healing transformational 600-page The Mother's Manual, A Spiritual and Practical Guide to Child Rearing and Motherhood (c) so both books can be released as ebooks by October. Finally, Babies Come With a Manual!! (c) I am both elated, excited, peaceful, grateful, appreciative, and, yes, sometimes, a bit nervous or high strung. This is all ego. Source is running the show. So, for me, as for you, put the Ego Games to the side, and allow the beauty and Light of Source to shine through you and move you through your steps. For more ways to do this, stay tuned to this Blog, as well as to,,,,, -- as well as on LivingOutLoud, Ecademy, WeTheWorld, and more -- to get the word on when these books are being released and get yourself a copy. As ebooks, they are environmental, ecological, economical and electronic, so you can print what you choose, and read the rest on your computer, just as you read this Blog.

Nervousness can be reinterpreted as excitement. Your stomach feels tight or churning, and you "think" you're nervous? How about reintegrating this as you're excited? Smile, smile, smile. Breathe any seemingly unpleasant emotions out of your body, your cells, your DNA, your whatever and replace them with Living Source Light and Love. Do this every morning and evening for at least two weeks, and you will shift. This is a Vital Tip that changes lives!!! If what you are about is for the highest good of all, the highest good of yourself, and the highest good of all concerned, with free will and free choice for all concerned, keep taking your steps, and you are guaranteed to succeed! Success wears many faces, and has many appearances, so be willing to have a new life experience.

This is birth. Something new! Bringing blessings for all. The "pangs?" Just Ego Games! We are beyond that, even as we do our Earth Walk.

Many blessings to you in every way.


Mama Heart

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Mother's Heart: Make Time for Yourself

Hi, Mamas! How many of you make time for yourself? Yes, in the midst of taking care of your child or children, your mate (if you have one), your work (whether in or out of the home, whether for pay, love or barter), you have to create time for yourself. This includes relaxation, meditation, exercise, education, spirituality, play.

How? You may ask. Create schedules. Get up earlier that whatever you do now, and meditate and pray in bed before you get up and start your day. Yes, you can go to the bathroom first, obviously, if nature calls. Set up an Affirmation for the day, and have this be your Mantra, your Prayer and Intention. Allow this Affirmation to be your reality. Some excellent ones include: "I love and accept myself." "I am beautiful inside and out." "I am a Money Magnet." "I am a Sparkle of Divinity."

I find myself making peace with my body practically every morning. I exercise, eat well, and take care of myself, yet certain parts of my body have chosen for reasons of their own to look older than other areas. If I were to castigate myself and these areas -- as I had done earlier in my life -- I would be creating an internal conflict, a war with myself, emanating a lesss-than-peaceful vibration within my own persona and in the world. Sooooo, as what is, is, even if for a moment, it is preferable to make peace with one's being, and from that vantage point, make whatever shifts one can. In any case, beauty is also a matter of perspective. What one person may harp on, could be meaningless to another. In essence, I am super healthy -- for which I am very grateful and appreciative -- and, actually, an attractive person. Being "perfect" can be an illusion, so all of us, get over it, and love yourself.

Even if once a month, take yourself OUT!!! Dance, listen to music, look at the river, climb that mountain (or hill), walk in that garden, wear that lovely dress. Remember that you are a woman, in addition to being a mom. Treat yourself as though you are a Goddess, which you, in essence, are.

Take a course, read a book, take a webinar, listen to a teleseminar, gain wisdom and knowledge. This is an ongoing life experience. Constantly evolve and grow in whatever areas interest you. Expand your horizons. Go beyond what you "think" you are. The "thinking" self is limited. You are limitless.

Do yoga, tai-chi, chi gong, stretching, walking. Have a reasonable bed time for your child or children, and stick to it. Read to your young child, and have your older child read something inspiring before that child goes to sleep. Play lovely relaxing music, whatever that may be for you and your family.

For now, this can get you started. Many Blessings!!!

With Love,

Mama Heart
Audrye (soon!)

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Mother's Heart: Conception and Expectations

It's with a sad heart that I see in the world and on TV women who have sex without contraception, conceive a baby unintentionally (we all DO know how babies are made, yes?) and then expect this man, her sexual partner, who may be unready or unprepared to make any commitment to her, to then stay on as her mate and father to this child they both created without thinking, preparation or conscious intention. Then the woman may get angry at the man if he chooses to be lax about fathering, financial support and/or partner-spousal commitment to her. Why is she surprised? If there was little or no conversation about baby-making, if both people were careless or unthinking about sex, and they continually make love and/or have sex, then, at some point, pregnancy is a likely result. As obvious as this sounds, Ladies, please always use birth control, unless you and your man have consciously and clearly agreed to have a baby and are prepared emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and, yes, financially, to bring forth a new life on this planet.

This is simple A, B, C. That there are so many "accidental" pregnancies in this country, where contraceptives are readily available, is a testament to the frequent thoughtlessness and carelessness of people in their intimate sexual lives. This is less than the best sign of the potential for someone to be a good parent. More likely, it is a signal that this woman, and/or man, may be ill prepared for the mommy journey. This person is likely to experience unfulfilled expectations, disappointment, anger, hurt, rage, overwhelm, and a host of other feelings, situations and conditions. True, any of us can triumph over circumstances. Most of the time, this is required to live life. Nonetheless, why do some women -- and men -- set themselves up for hardship? Often, too, these very women may have an unloving attitude about the whole situation, without ever looking within to see why they created this circumstance in the first place. Yes, the woman definitely can grow into being a great mom.

Yes, too, children are a blessing. Life is precious. All true. This is not a license to go out and unthinkingly go on a baby-making spree, expecting the Universe to care for your child. The Universe gave us wisdom, and we are expected to use it. Though it may take a village to raise a child, what village is someone targeting for the task of raising her child? Has the village been informed about this and has the village agreed? There is also such a thing as personal responsiblity and accountability. It is also true that we live in a multidimensional universe, and what can look peculiar from a human third-dimensional perspective may make total sense from a higher-dimensional spiritual view. Perhaps this woman -- or man -- had to fulfill on certain agreements made before their incarnation. Perhaps this woman -- or man -- had to learn how to work hard. Perhaps some of these people had abandoned their child/ren in previous-parallel existences, and are now learning responsibility. All is possible.

We have, especially in this high-tech country, some amount of dominion over our sex lives. We can learn with various devices when we women are fertile. We can use contraceptives. We can have actual conversations and deep communication with our partners. We can have actual intimacy. Having sex can be very different from experiencing intimacy. And, Ladies of the heterosexual variety, do you know that many men will say almost anything once they are in the midst of a sexual experience, especially if those words will have you transfixed and continuing to be sexual with them? Wake up, please!!! Get to know this man, and, if you choose to be sexually intimate with him, use contraceptives -- even if you dislike the devices, which most of us do -- so, if and when you conceive, you do so consciously, purposefully, and preparedly, and, hopefully, with a man who is ready, willing and able to beyour partner, and who also chooses to be a dad. Better yet, be in a relationship with him first, so you are in a position to get pregnant and fully joyously welcome this new life.

Being a great mother takes something, and in the best of cases, any and all of us can sometimes do things that are less than our best, so be wise, and start baby-making when you are ready. Foisting pregnancy and motherhood on yourself before you are prepared, and then having false expectations, can be damaging to you and your child/ren.

Today's Blog was inspired when I was watching TV and seeing women who made babies without being in any committed relationship, then were angry with the man involved. The host never even asked why the woman got pregnant, what she was thinking. This would clearly be un-politically correct, as the person being interviewed would have to actually look within herself. I am a huge supporter of women's rights. Fully!!! Ladies, we also have a responsibility to ourselves, our lives, our children, and, yes, our mates, to be honest, clear, authentic, loving, and real. Thank you for hearing the love and concern I have for the children conceived in this manner, their mothers, fathers and families, and for all of us.


Mama Heart

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One Hallmark of a Great Mom

Being a great mom starts with having the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical readiness to conceive, carry, birth and care for a child -- this wisdom-love is a big Hallmark of being a Great Mom.

With all our choices and freedoms come responsibility and honor. Expecting perfection in any of this is unneeded as well as next to impossible. The concept of making lots of babies these days, especially in a world with ecological and population overflow, is irresponsible. Allowing one's ego to rule is less than the hallmark of a great mom. Those days of acting from one's "wants," especially in baby-making, without wisdom and love, essentially are over and gone. Whether the time or necessity to make many babies ever returns is a moot point, as such planetary needs are highly unlikely for at least the next 50-100 years. Even if there is hideous natural or human-made devastation on this planet, it still behooves people to make less rather than more children so that each child can have attention, love, energy, as can the mom. What woman is born solely to be a mom, and that's it? First and foremost, a woman is a soul in physical form, with being a mom part of that journey, and her own evolution part of the experience.

Do I recommend being enlightened moms with evolved children? Yes!!! Each soul has its own karmic journey that may be invisible to the human view, so judgment is ineffective and useless. Nonetheless, in our core, we all get Guidance. This is different from the jabbering of the internal dialog or nonsense limited-thinking self-talk. To think any of us is above the Divine, and for people to act out of unresolved internal issues -- which is what more rather than less people have been doing for years, unfortunately -- creates more chaos on the Earth and in individual lives. Yes, it gives that person and all people the opportunity to learn and practice compassion, tolerance, support, strength, and so much more.

To stay in contact with me, please go to, ,, . Keep a lookout at for my new book of the same name.

Blessings to you in every way!!!

Mama Heart Audrye